«Türkmenistan – Bitaraplygyň mekany» atly sergi gurnaldy
Hormatly Prezidentimiziň alyp barýan parahatçylykly syýasatynyň netijesinde oba-kendi şäher bilen bäsleşýän agzybir halkymyzyň ümzügi buýsançly ösüşlere tarap rowana bolýar Ata Watanymyz bu gün älemiň arzuwlaýan mekanyna öwrüldi. Hormatly Prezidentimiziň taýsyz tagallalary bilen 2020-nji ýyl «Türkmenistan – Bitaraplygyň mekany» ýyly diýilip yglan edildi. Hemişelik Bitaraplygymyzyň 25 ýyllygyny şöhratlandyrmak we raýatlarymyzyň Watançylyk ruhuny belende götermek has-da buýsandyryjydyr. Bitaraplygyň esasy özenini parahatçylyk, hoşniýetlilik, ynsanperwerlik, özara düşünişmek, dost-doganlyk ýörelgeleri düzýär. Belent at-abraýa eýe bolan türkmen halkynyň ähli ýaşaýyş- durmuş ulgamlary bilen bir hatarda özboluşlylygy, gadymylygy hem-de milli mirasymyz, medeni, binagärlik ýadygärliklerimiz dünýä jahankeşdeleriniň ünsüni özine çekýär.
Türkmenistanyň Döwlet medeniýet merkeziniň Döwlet muzeýiniň ylmy işgärleri türkmen halkynyň bäş müň ýyllyk taryhyny, medeni-milli we tebigy gymmatlyklaryny gorap saklamakda, giňden wagyz etmekde, geljekki nesillere ýetirmekde uly işleri alyp barýarlar. Aşgabat şäherindäki çagalar baglarynda, orta mekdeplerde we ýokary okuw jaýlarynda yzygiderli göçme sergiler gurnalýar.
Şu gün, 2020-nji ýylyň fewral aýynyň 17-ne Aşgabat şäherindäki energetika orta hünär okuw mekdebinde «Türkmenistan – Bitaraplygyň mekany « atly muzeý gymmatlyklaryndan ybarat bolan ajaýyp sergi açyldy. Bu sergi fewral aýynyň 23-ne çenli dowam eder. Sergini Döwlet muzeýiniň Etnografiýa ylmy-barlag bölüminiň müdiri E.Amanberdiýewa, muzeýiň ylmy işgäri Ö.Rahmanow we energetika orta hünär okuw mekdebiniň mugallymy Z.Rejepowa gutlag sözi bilen açdylar. Sergide Döwlet muzeýiniň gaznasynda saklanylýan milli egin-eşikler, haly we haly önümleri, milli saz-gurallarymyz, dokmaçylykda ulanylýan birnäçe esbaplar goýuldy. Döwlet muzeýiniň ylmy işgärleri talyp ýaşlara türkmen halkynyň taryhy, onuň milli däp–dessurlary, ynsanperwer gatnaşyklar barada muzeý gymmatlyklaryň üsti bilen gyzykly gürrüňler berdiler. Talyp ýaşlar hem öz gezeginde okamaga, döretmäge türkmen halkynyň bäş müň ýyllyk şöhratly taryhyny, däp-dessurlaryny öwrenmäge, gözüniň göreji ýaly gorap saklamaga döredip berýän ähli mümkünçilikleri üçin hormatly Prezidentimize çäksiz alkyşlar aýtdylar.
On the 17-th of February 2020 the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan has organized a guest exhibition named «Turkmenistan – Motherland of Neutrality» at the specialized secondary energy school of Ashgabat city.
As the result of a peace-loving policy carried out by the honourable President our people rapidly move forward, our Motherland has turned into the land of fulfilment of our wishes. Thanks to the tireless care of the honourable President, 2020 is declared «Turkmenistan – Motherland of Neutrality». It is still more pleasant to glorify the 25-th anniversary of a permanent neutrality and to raise patriotic spirit of our fellow citizens. The basis of neutrality is formed by the peace, kind-heartedness, humanism, mutual understanding, friendship and brotherhood. The attention of tourists is attracted by cultural and architectural monuments, national heritage with its originality, antiquity, along with all spheres of everyday life of the Turkmen people as well.
Staff of the State museum carry out a lot of work in protection, popularization and pass to the next generation of five thousand year history of Turkmen people, its cultural, national and natural riches. They regularly organize guest exhibitions on various themes in kindergartens, schools, colleges and institutions of higher education of Ashgabat city.
Today, on the 17-th of February 2020 the State museum of the State cultural centre of Turkmenistan has organized a guest exhibition named «Turkmenistan – Motherland of Neutrality» at the specialized secondary energy school of Ashgabat city, which consists of museum values. This exhibition will last up to the 23-rd of February. The exhidition was opened with the words of greeting by head of division of Ethnography of the State museum E.Amanberdiyeva, research fellow of museum O.Rakhmanov and the lecturer of the specialized secondary energy school Z.Redjepova. At this exhibition were demonstrated national costumes, musical instruments, labour tools used in carpet weaving. The staff of the State museum of State cultural centre of Turkmenistan have told the students at the exhibition a lot of interesting about history of the Turkmen people, its customs and traditions, humanitarian relations by means of museum values. In their turn the students have expressed boundless gratitude to the honourable President for the offered opportunity to study, create, study five thousand-year history of the Turkmen people, tradition and cherish all this as the apple of their eye.